Monday, December 15, 2008

Ezip - Latest Prices are now Within Reach!

Great News!
The 26 inch eZip Mountain yadda yadda yadda is now only $225.57!


If this price holds out until Jan 1st, I have been greenlit to purchase my very own! I have read all the reviews and watched all of the videos and decided the reviews were a great help, but the videos either consisted of a joyride shot by the rider, or his buddy shot it while the guy drove up and down the street. While cool, they weren't what I would call helpful. I want to see this puppy climb a hill. I wanna see how far she will go. I wanna see if the rider broke a sweat.

So, now my plan is to take the ebike, once I get it, and head to Red Rock Canyon (I believe it's a National Park. It has a BEAUTIFUL scenic drive (or bikeride) full of long uphills and downhills, with some serious grades in either direction - and the beauty - the drive is on, get this 13 Mile Rd. - which is just about what I hope to expect from the eZip bike.

I feel that this is probably an unfair test due to the conditions, but should really allow me to put the bike through its paces. In my book, travelling even a couple of miles without breaking a sweat is a winner - so I; plan to be excited either way - It's a beautiful ride in a car, and I am excited to get up close and personal with it on a bike - while my current fitness level wouln never allow this on an ordinary bicycle.

Stay Tuned!